Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Best Way To Fix Your Windows Registry Problem

Is Your Computer Ready For A Windows Registry Cleanup?

If you're not a tech guru, then the chances are you might not even know what a windows Registry is! Let's clear that up before we go any further. Your Windows Registry is a database within Windows that stores details about your computer's hardware, drivers, programs, options, applications, preferences, and much more, without which your computer can't work.

Seems quite important doesn't it? Well, yes it is important. In fact you can see that it's vital to the smooth running of your PC.

Why Do We Need a Registry Cleanup?

A Registry, like any other database, may become filled with a surprising amount of clutter if not properly managed. Over time, this clutter can cause undesirable side effects on your computer. Like slowness, blue screen errors, programs no longer working, crashes... and more.

Here's how it works. Every time you install an application or program onto your PC, the program's configurations and settings are added to the computers Registry. The same will happen when you decide to uninstall applications from your computer. The uninstall process should remove not only the program files, but it should also 'undo' all the changes it made to the Registry.

In many instances, the end result falls rather short of this simple process. And what happens is that your Registry ends up being filled with all manner of entries from programs and such that were deleted some time ago. This is known simply a 'clutter'.

The Registry can also become corrupted if you don't properly remove or uninstall programs and applications from your computer. Most people think that deleting the program files will do the trick. This is totally wrong, and doing it like this will leave the applications' configurations details in the Registry. So many people remove programs like this. We see it all the time. So, we can say for sure that a PC user can also contribute significantly to corruption of the Registry.

Also a virus or spyware that invades your computer will, in many cases, try to corrupt your Windows Registry. This is why you really should have a Virus Scanner permanently running on your PC. Get one that detects and removes viruses, malware and spyware.

Consequences of a Corrupt Registry

A computer whose Registry has become corrupt will begin to slow up. This is because the computer will not be able to easily locate the specific Registry files for a particular application or program. It will have to troll through endless entries, attempting to make sense of many entries that don't actually make sense for the reasons already outlined. One point to note here is that when a computer starts to run slowly, it is a good indication that there is probably something wrong with the Registry.

The Registry actually plays an important part in the boot process of a computer, as the Registry itself is a special type of a bootable file. So it is definitely possible that with time, the registry may become so corrupt that the computer will not be able to boot. In extreme cases, the dreaded Blue Screen of Death is the first you know about it.

How Can You Clean Up Your Registry?

After reading this article, you will certainly understand that it is very important to look after your Registry.

So how do you do that?

There are two methods of doing a Registry clean up. The first way is to do it manually by editing the files yourself. The other way is through the use of a quality Registry Repair and cleanup program.

A word of caution to all those who are thinking about doing this themselves....

Your Registry is absolutely vital to the smooth running of your computer. Even the slightest slip up can damage your registry to the point where the computer becomes unusable (without a reformat perhaps). If you leave out even a single character, - a simple comma for example, - then it may not end well for your PC. So you need to be aware of that.

Instructions on this procedure are available online, but it is definitely not as straight forward as some authors make it out to be.

So, generally I think its best not to risk doing this yourself, as it's just too easy to get it wrong. There's a wide selection of high quality, very reasonably priced Registry repair and cleanup tools available that will do the cleanup for you in no time, without running any kind of risk of damaging your existing Registry files.

All you need do is download one of these tools, and set it scanning. In a couple of minutes it will show you where your errors are. You're prompted to take the appropriate action to fix the errors, and in moments it will be finished and your registry will be as good as new. All the sensible stuff like setting a restore point and backing up the existing registry beforehand are all taken care of either manually or automatically depending on the product you get.

This procedure is a really good idea for anyone who uses a PC. And you don't have to wait until you have a problem before you get the tools and check your Registry. It's a great idea to get the Registry Repair tool anyway, and just run it from time to time to keep your Registry and PC nice and healthy. Your PC will reward you by running as fast and as smoothly as it did the day you bought it!


it's Paulus Van Henderson here from...

Is your PC getting slower and slower, taking forever to boot in the morning, and generally running like and old dog? You feel like you want to boot it out the window, - right?

Well, you'll be amazed at how easily a couple of simple steps can inject a new lease of life into your sad old PC. In just minutes, it could be running as smooth and as fast as it did the day you brought it home. And if your computer hangs, has errors or some programs just don't run anymore even though they used to, - well you can say goodbye to that lot too!

If you haven't scanned your Windows registry recently - or ever! - then you absolutely, definitely, will have hundreds, possibly thousands, of errors in your Registry alone. Just waiting to create havoc when it's least convenient.

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