Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Double My Computer's Speed - Is This Really Possible?

At this time, a product called DoubleMySpeed is running very high profile commercials on TV and on the radio. The commercial I remember is the one where some guy goes around repeating the words "double my speed." He is referring to the time he visited a website and his slow computer got its speed doubled just because he visited it, I guess. So, the question is what is "DoubleMySpeed" and what does it actually do to your computer to double its speed? An even better question would be does it actually double your computer's speed? In this article, we will answer these questions.

I am sure by implying they can double your computer's speed, they are really saying that if your computer is slow they will make it fast again. However, they just sort of ran out of good names and couldn't find one that would more explicitly depict what they are trying to do to your computer. Therefore, I will let them off the hook on this count.

An Unimpressive Product

However, I am afraid the last paragraph is the last nice thing I can say about them. The reason for this is; their website sells a product that is a registry cleaner. As registry cleaners go, I feel it is not one of the best. In fact, I have heard a lot of bad reports on it. Moreover, all their website sells you is this one particular registry cleaner.

The possibilities your computer is slow for some other reasons are not discussed. They simply scan your computer for registry errors, let you know how many you have and then charge you to clean the errors out of it. If your computer is slow for some other reason, your problem will not be addressed at all. Also, whether or not this software actually does a good job of cleaning the errors out of your registry is another topic. Many people say it actually does a rather poor job of attempting to repair your Windows registry.

Registry Cleaners, Yes

I have no problem with the fact there is a free scan involved because this is a common way registry cleaners do business. The honest ones will let you know if registry errors are the problem with your computer and that way you don't have to buy their product if you find this issue is not what is ailing your computer. In this regard, DoubleMySpeed is no different from other registry cleaner.

However, their commercials are very misleading and many people are not happy with the results they get by using their product. There are many other registry cleaners that I know for a fact do a very good job of fixing registry problems and returning your computer to its top speed if it has been performing slowly. Therefore, I recommend you search out one of these excellent registry cleaners instead of visiting DoubleMySpeed.

You've learned a lot about registry cleaners, what they do and why using them is necessary in order keep your computer operating at top speed. Now see how to get a free scan with a Microsoft registry cleaner that also eliminates viruses and spyware, updates drivers and even includes a defragmentation program. This software is highly rated by computer technician Ed Lathrop. Get a Free Scan at Repair Slow Computer. Also, get more inside information on registry cleaners at Speed Up Computer.

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